Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities


Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
Mission Statement
The Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities is the federation of eight German academies of sciences and humanities which altogether comprise more than 1.900 national and international scholars from a diverse range of academic disciplines, all of which are outstanding representatives of their disciplines, nationally and internationally. The Union and its member academies are strongly committed to the promotion of scientific exchange, excellence in research, and the support of emerging new talents in science and humanities. 
Together with the German National Academy of Natural Sciences – Leopoldina and in cooperation with the German Academy of Technical Sciences – acatech, the Union is engaged in scientific advisory processes for politics and society in order to contribute to an evidence-based policy and science policy.
But the core task of the Union is the management and coordination of the “Academies’ Programme”, one of Germany’s most important and most comprehensive research programmes in the humanities and the cultural sciences. Thus, the Union coordinates the joint research projects of its member academies, promotes the exchange of information and experience between academies, conducts public engagement activities, and organises events on current issues.
Furthermore, the Union represents the German academies of sciences and humanities in Germany and abroad and sends delegates to European and worldwide Academies Federations, where they are participating at the process of developing scientific advice for politics and society and where they are supporting the freedom of science by stepping in for scientists, who are persecuted or imprisoned either because of their research work or for political reasons.

Berlin-Brandedenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (seat of the Berlin office of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities) and host location of the IAMP Young Physician Leaders Programme

(photo: Angelika Fischer)




IAMP Contact
Professor  Otmar Schober MD PhD

Tel: (+49 251) 834-7361/863854
Fax: (+49 251) 834-7363/ 863810
 Email: Otmar.Schober@web.de, nicole.hartmann@akademienunion.de
Url: http://www.akademienunion.de/
